Explanation of Layers, Realms & Dimensions
Planetary Light Grids: This page is currently for Divine I AM Practitioners
Layers of the Light Grids (1 - 4)
The first four layers of the Light Grids are used for deep process work such as Shadow Healing and Clearing. These offer a way of processing energy through the four bodies - Emotional, Mental, Etheric and Spiritual.
This is taught in Level 1 Divine I AM Training
Realms of the Light Grids (5 - 9)
These realms were introduced in 2020 to support the increasing shift in Awakening, supporting those who are already on the path.
Realms 5 to 9 (which can also be seen as layers), are higher layers of the light grids used for advanced activations. Specifically working with astrological alignments, celestial bodies, the Akashic Records, Higher Self, Monad & Oversoul - in deeper ways. The Realms are used to access Soul Contracts, Soul Blueprints, Higher Templates for Individuals (Destiny, Soul Purpose & Soul Potential) and download these for focused clearing or activation.
This is taught in Level 2 of Divine I AM Training
Higher Dimensions (Non-linear / Multidimensional)
Crystal Keys (Light Code Activations)
The Crystal Keys were introduced in 2025 to facilitate advanced activations for spiritual expansion.
The Crystal Keys primary aim is to attune to humanity’s Golden Age Timeline and this is why Vaz is working with them.
The Light Codes represent a stream of Awakening codes from the Higher Dimensions of the Planetary Light Grids. While these can be viewed as layers, the dimensions reflect the multidimensional nature of these energies. They interact with the Higher Template, Higher Timeline, and Higher Destiny of each soul, guided by the Higher Self. Additionally, they work with highly evolved guides during activations.
These quantum higher dimensions correspond to the same frequency bands that Vaz uses to attune Practitioners to Level 1 & 2 of the Divine I AM Training.
Essentially, the Crystal Keys are Awakening Light Codes, bringing Unity Consciousness frequencies that enable profound transformational shifts. The Crystal Keys operate beyond time, reality, and duality, providing a space for multidimensional work, such as Light Code Activations (Accelerated Ascension Awakening) and Timeline Shifts.
The Key Codes consist of light language packets of higher wisdom that expand within the energy field, resulting in a quantum shift that accelerates the raising of one’s vibration. This phrase was given by Spirit to symbolise “keys” that unlock the Multidimensional Nature of your Soul’s Awakening process.
Simialrly to the higher realms, the Crystal Keys also work with the energies of the planetary Chakras through the Earth Crystalline Grid, accessing a holographic Living Library within Mother Earth. This process utilizes the unique frequencies of each of the planetary chakras and vortices, such as Mt. Shasta, Sedona, and Glastonbury, to draw in the evolving new Earth grid.
These Light Code Activations work beyond the mind and continuously evolve with each session. Unlike the layers and realms, they provide a powerful shift for individuals.
In time, this will be offered through a formal training program; however, it can currently be accessed via Vaz’s Light Code Activations and Higher Timeline Activation Intensives/Retreats.
While there are infinite layers and realms within the light grids to explore, it requires time—often years—to saturate one’s energy with awakening energies to process at higher levels. As the Great Awakening progresses, each new system allows for more profound work for those who have been on the spiritual path for some time and are seeking deeper transformation.