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Divine I AM Transmission Training (Level 2): Advanced

The Divine I AM Transmission Training Level 2 takes practitioners to the next level of their sacred connection to Christ Consciousness energies.

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Divine I AM Transmission Training (Level 2): Advanced
Divine I AM Transmission Training (Level 2): Advanced

Time & Location

19 Oct 2024, 15:00 BST – 20 Oct 2024, 20:30 BST

Online Event

About the event


Day 1: 19th October 2024: 3pm BST - 8.30am BST

Day 2:  20th October 2024: 3pm BST - 8.30am BST

Awakening Your Multidimensional Self: Receive Higher Dimensional Attunements

Receive higher dimensional activations from the light grids to attune you even higher Christ Consciousness frequencies, now reachable during this stage in the Ascension. Initiating profound transformation for you personally and spiritually. These attunements are designed to deep the Awakening of your Multidimensional Self.

This can be taken as a powerful upgrade for all parts of your Self and Reality – leading to transformations in all parts of your life.

As well as learning how to channel the planetary light grids in new ways, for more powerful Activational work with clients and groups.

Also learning how to work with the greater cosmos and Great Spirit harmoniously for ascension awakening work.

You will learn how to…

Work with Higher Layers – Ascension Awakening

Level 2 trains practitioners to use higher layers of the Light Grids, known as “Realms”. Specifically realms 5 through 9 for profound Activational work. These realms involve working in a very different way to the initial 4 layers. Here you will be working with the Akashic Records, Higher Self, Monad & Oversoul.

At these higher levels you are able to access Soul Contracts, Soul Blueprints, Higher Templates for Individuals (Destiny, Soul Purpose & Soul Potential) and download these for focused clearing or activation.

At these higher levels you begin to make powerful strides in personal and spiritual development. These can also be used to offer 1-2-1 or group themed Activations. (Vaz has called this Ascension Activations and I AM Activations for the public)

Give Fingertip Focused Activations (in-person)

Vaz also shares how to offer micro attunements to the Crown Chakra and Third Eye during a session (something those in-person will be familiar with when he works with each person). These utilise the finger chakras (which will be awakened during the activation) and focus energies like a laser for amplification. Vaz will share how to use this mindfully and in a grounded way for incredible results.

Working with Ascension Guides, Star Guides, Beings

Learn how to work and bring in relevant Ascension Guides, Star Guides, Spirit Guides, Angels, Light Beings into your session to greatly amplify the experience.

Guides brought in at various levels allow us to offer more cosmic or multidimensional activations that are possible at this level.

Planetary Portals & Celestial Bodies

Learn how to work with Mother Earth’s power spots, vortices & portals with the Divine I AM Transmissions. As well as channeling energies from the Sun, Moon & Great Central Sun to receive cosmic wisdom and intelligence. This is especially potent during these times as we are now opening up to the Great Central Sun’s energy field (moving into the next stage of planetary ascension).


You may wish to take this course for your own personal and spiritual development. The high vibrational attunements act as a catalyst for your own life and offer a profound transformation that reaches into all areas of your life. It significantly opens up your connection to higher dimensional awareness, wisdom, love, energy & support.

The training itself symbolically represents you saying Yes to a whole new expanded reality as you embrace more of your I AM and synchronise with the Universe, Planetary Light Grids & Mother Earth.

This is a Training Experience, where you will:


  • Higher Dimensional Frequency Attunement: MultiDimensional upgrades (advanced)
  • Ascension Awakening Activation (Realms 5-9): I AM Awakening as a Practitioner. Attuning Finger Chakras

Learn how to offer

  • Ascension Awakening Activations – a more advanced Activational tool working with Realms 5 through 9, the Akashic Records, Higher Self, Monad & Oversoul
  • Fingertip Focused Activations (in-person) to create powerful shifts for people.

Learn how to work with

  • Ascension Guides, Star Guides, Beings
  • Planetary Portals, Vortices & Power Spots
  • Celestial Bodies including the Sun, Moon & Great Central Sun


  • Experiential learning with others in the space to practice channelling the new activations


  • Certification as an Advanced Divine I AM Transmission Practitioner (Level 2)

"You are here as a Catalyst for Humanity. Your very presence is a transmitter for a higher state of consciousness to be received by the masses. As you connect , develop & reach for more – you stretch mass consciousness – accelerating the Awakening process of all.

I have created Level 2 to share many of the developments, amplifications and realisations I have learned over the 10 years since offering Divine I AM Transmissions. We are all now ready for more."


"Excellent delivery with unwavering respect and support for individually intuited learning within a tested framework. Highly recommended" N

"Brilliant. I highly recommend this training for anyone interested in connecting with/transmitting very high frequencies. This technique has a broad range of applications. Great facilitation. Vaz leads from the heart" Steve Nobel

"It was an amazing experience! Vaz led me to a different dimension of spirituality. Meditation, Transmission, Healing... whatever we call it, I now clearly know that there are no barriers among them. Another reconfirmation for me was that communication methods/tools to connect with the Source (my and your higher-self) are limitless, i.e. language barriers only exist in human level. Thank you very much, Vaz! It was lovely spending weekend with like-minded people. Thank you all !!! xxx" Y

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